
This is my first ever post ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„and I’m excited about it, though I except to make some silly mistakes that I’ll perfect over time.

I’m a girl that has never fit into the crowd, I’m just different from every other person I know (except two of my friends who are exactly like me), I’m quiet and shy,have very few friends, just the way normal introverts are so most times people think I’m just dumb or sick or not fun to hang out with,they don’t know it’s the other way around . Most times, people think I have no confidence and that’s why I’m the way I am but then I happen to be the most confident person I know. I’ve had people tell me I should go out and make more friends “it’ll boost your self esteem” or “that’s when you’ll discover your real personality” but all I just want to do is lie down in bed with my mug of coffee ( I don’t do tiny tea cups), a good novel and just have some me time or hang out with my “few”friends and just be foolish together.

While the rest of the world are running to cinemas to watch the latest movies, or downloading the hottest jams, or checking out new restaurants, and snapping weird selfies and dating fine boys (I cannot come and kill myself),I’ll be at my house being me and sleeping or out with my friends laughing at all the people who consider themselves normal.

In a world where there’s no privacy anymore and everybody wants to be noticed, in an era where most people go out of their way to be fake so that the world can like them, I’m in my own corner laughing at them. I cannot kill myself over the things I can’t control, like “if I’ll wake up with pimples tomorrow or if my makeup will be on fleek next week “, so it’s always strange when I see people panicking over things like that.In a life where people can’t be themselves for fear of being judged, I just refuse to care about anyone judging me.

In a world like the one we live in, I’ve just discovered that misfits are the normal humans and everyone else is just a weirdo!

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